world champion Lewis Hamilton has reacted with sharp criticism to the statements of former formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone regarding racism. These were “ignorant and unlearned,” wrote the six-time Champion on Instagram: “If someone who has led the Sport for decades, understands so little of the deep-rooted problems, which need to be Black every day, how can we expect the people under him, that you understand it. It starts at the top.“

Ecclestone had expressed in a CNN Interview that Blacks were in many cases more racist than White. As an explanation for his claim Ecclestone led things to him, “I have noticed over the years”. That statues were dismantled in the Wake of the “Black Lives Matter”demonstrations, he described as “completely stupid”. Although Ecclestone Hamilton’s commitment to praising racism, rejected the allegation of discrimination in formula 1, but.

The experience of Hamilton with discrimination in Motorsport have surprised Ecclestone “”. He was “really unhappy”, should Hamilton have “taken it seriously. I didn’t think it would have affected him,“ he explained.

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“Fuck not test, I don’t even know where to start”, opened the 35-Year-old Hamilton his reaction. The 89-year-old Ecclestone is no longer part of the formula 1, and a different Generation, and his comments but would show what is going wrong. “It makes me complete sense as to why nothing was said or done was to make our sports of various or to counter the racist attacks that I was exposed to in my entire career,” wrote Hamilton, who had used the least frequently for the “Black Lives Matter”movement.

The world champion sees in the comments of long-time heads of the confirmation, “as far as we as a society still have to go before there is true equality”. He also accused the formula 1, to be a “White-dominated” sports and founded a Commission, which should pave black people, and the way in formula 1. He reiterated: “The time for change is now.”

The formula 1 had distanced himself immediately from Eccles tone words. “In a time in which a unit is required to combat racism and inequality, we are with Bernie Eccles tone, Utterances that have in formula 1 or in the company of no place, absolutely do not agree,” it said in a Statement, the king class. The formula 1 is no longer stressed, Ecclestone played after his retirement in 2017, no more role in the series, his honorary title as chair Emeritus, he had since January of 2020.