America’s President, Donald Trump has brought the overthrow of the statues in the protests against racism and police violence in the United States in connection with terrorism. Trump threatened protesters, who tried to bring statues of historical figures in America’s case, on Thursday evening in the channel Fox News with serious consequences. “Every night we will take action harder and harder,” said Trump. “And at some point there will be retribution.” These protesters are vandals and instigator – in truth, they are but “in a way, terrorists”.

The protests against racism and police violence after the death of the African-American George Floyd have launched in the United States, a debate on the cultural memory of the country. In different country, the protesters share a short process, and brought the statues to the case, the historical figures that are associated with racism. In Washington, protesters had failed on Monday evening in the attempt to overthrow a Statue of the seventh President, Andrew Jackson.

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Trump said on Thursday that he had stopped the fall of the Jackson Statue. His government has since mobilized the national guard to protect monuments in the capital city of Washington. The approximately 400 active members were not yet in readiness, and would support the Park police to “prevent any defacing or destruction”, had declared the speaker of the national guard in Washington, Craig Clapper, on Wednesday, on request. The national guard belongs to the Reserve of the American army.