Because of the abuses in the Frankfurt station district, the competent mayor Oliver Strank (SPD) calls for a harder crackdown in the city. “In the meantime, the open drug consumption, the drug trade, the littering and the unspeakable legacies in the Form of urine and feces an unbearable degree accepted. To improve the Situation, unfortunately, no longer only with more prevention, but also with more consistency in the Repression. It may not be the case that the open consumption in the railway station district is back on the agenda,“ said Strank.

Catherine Iskandar

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Certainly one of the Corona have Lockdown problems “as with a burning glass, for all to see zoomed in”. The States would be tolerated by the Department for drug policy, security and order, but for years. “It seems to me that you have abandoned the district in the meantime.”

Strank said, the city should provide Figures about how many foreign consumers were registered in the Printer, and the findings suggest that, in addition, in Frankfurt, with drugs supplied. “Should exceed the proportion in fact, a certain number, it must be considered whether the auxiliary structures, which were created with the Frankfurt route, the Dependent can continue to use, or whether the home-local authorities’ need to create the consumers ‘ own structures.” Similar was suggested before about half a year safety Markus Frank (CDU), head of the Department.

No separate “Crack Area”

Strank regrets the fact that the city disclosed its proposal, a separate “Crack Area” on the edge of the station district, the time has discarded. This would have the residents, Business people given and Hoteliers the opportunity to be in the quarter without the daily accompaniments of Addiction to live and work.

the night café for a Dependent, that had been set up about a year ago was not a good solution, it would be sufficient, but for a long time, the open drug habits. There are now many ways to strengthen the fight against abuses, such as the open consumption and littering, to proceed. “The city needs to provide, staff, and, ultimately, money in the Hand. It has to be your value.“

pressure on the city is growing

meanwhile, the pressure on the city is growing and also the restaurateurs and Business people. In a Petition that has been sent to, among others, to the Lord mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD) and head of the Department Frank, complain about 40 companies in all of the States in front of Local shops and restaurants. Drug users and the homeless, who have resided previously in the auxiliary equipment, are always to be found more often on the Emperor road. In addition, have increased with the onset of the Corona pandemic, the number of organized beggar gangs. “Due to rival groups with each other, the potential for Aggression is also high.”