In Göttingen has decreased the spread of the Coronavirus again just under the limit for new safety measures. On Thursday morning, the Overview of the provincial government for city and County of Göttingen pointed to 48.8 laboratory confirmed new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. According to the agreement of the Federation and the länder are to be taken from 50 cases in one County, easing back. The government in Hanover puts the value at 30 to 35 cases.

In Göttingen, the value fluctuates, since the days mark of 50 cases. On Tuesday, there were 48,2 cases, on Wednesday 51,2 cases. The infection is concentrated in a high-rise complex in the University city, was charged last Thursday for a week under quarantine. Therefore, the situation is, according to the city’s manageable. Under 700 inhabitants, 120 new HIV infections were identified. According to information from Tuesday have been tested in the border transit camp Friedland in the Kreis of Göttingen 21 residents and one of the staff a positive effect on the Corona.