In North-Rhine to Westphalia brothels in the meantime, continue to remain closed. The decision of the higher administrative court (OVG) of Münster on Thursday in a Eilbeschluss. Because of the Corona, with the crisis in the state of North Rhine-had-Westphalia sexual services in brothels or other prostitution sites is prohibited. This scheme is more applicable to “probably legal”, it said in the Eilbeschluss of the Supreme administrative court of the country on Tuesday.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Sued a man who operates a brothel with three rooms, had to work, in which self-employed prostitute. The brothel operator argued that the principle of equality, and refers to the fact that in the course of the relaxations, in the meantime, other body-related services, such as massages, are permitted. The applicable Hygiene and protection measures could also be in his brothel complied with, the plaintiff.

The dismissed the court. The provision of sexual services, it is likely because the closest physical proximity and the often changing partners, “an increased risk of infection”. The implementation of the current Hygiene and infection control standards “is likely to fail, that there is, in principle, intended to Wear a mouth-nose cover during the provision of the sexual service of life and debt,” the court said. A control of the requirements is to operate in Prostitution is hardly possible. “It is also likely to be unrealistic, the obligation to collect customer contact information and stay in rooms with views of the usually demanded discretion in the prostitution industry to reliably implement.” (Reference Number 13 B 800/20.NE)