just in Time for the 25. Birthday, the operating company of the Frankfurt Internet node De-Cix itself a birthday gift: Ten percent growth in sales was recorded in the company from the East of Frankfurt in the year 2019, the result within a year, and from 35.7 to 39.6 million euros. Especially the international business in the past year, sharply, to 29 percent, and grown, and now accounts for 15 percent of sales. The bottom line is that EUR 3.3 million remained after taxes and depreciation left.

Inga Janović

business editor of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The are, measured in terms of the importance of the De-Cix, still relatively small Numbers. Finally, the company that belongs to one hundred percent of the Internet industry Association Eco operates, among other things, the world’s largest Internet node De-Cix in Frankfurt. Only by means of the Interconnection Service that the company provides for worldwide 1900 customers, the Internet actually consists of many different networks and users, to a world wide network. Nowhere else in the larger data quantities between the individual networks than in the Main. In principle, the signals of nearly every E-Mail and every Netflix series, the anyone download in Europe, through Frankfurt.

23 locations in 13 countries

A similar key position, the De-Cix Group AG is committed also to another of the now 23 sites in 13 countries. In Hamburg and Munich, the customers grew in number significantly, at the locations in Istanbul and Dubai was able to increase the number of customers connected to 50 percent. Since last year, the Germans are also active in Southeast Asia. “We are not only in our home base of Frankfurt, but also in locations such as New York, Madrid and Mumbai to the Top players, De-Cix has become a truly global Brand”, says Ivo Ivanov, the Director-Duo with Harald Summa for the international business. This is to be expanded in the coming years, especially in southern Europe, Southeast Asia and America sites will be added.

There are so many reasons to celebrate, or even more boisterous festivals, but in spite of all stay at home. Instead, the 26. June, the day on which the company was registered in 1995 in the commercial register, with a kind of TV show to be celebrated. So much the digital world would not have been in the year of Foundation is not yet even possible. At the time, were able to be sent via the Internet just E-Mails and pictures, the amount of the sites was counted, and the Internet node in Frankfurt consisted of a single Server box and cables in an empty post office in the Gutleutviertel.