The bet was daring and the displays beautiful. For several weeks, the Dijon Opera, the ensemble Les Dissonances, directed by David Grimal and pianist Philippe Cassard were proposing a music festival unique in its kind. Objective : to celebrate the post-containment and support classical musicians, private concerts since the beginning of the outbreak of coronavirus. The program included performances played without an audience and broadcast on the Internet in the framework of the event, Artists-in-residence, artists-in-resistance. But also, since 17 June, concerts in front of an audience, Dissonance Chamber Music Series. To ensure the safety of the music lovers, on stage as in the room, the gauge of the auditorium with 1600 seats was divided by ten : only 150 places were available for evenings.

read also : Coronavirus : four dead and a hundred contaminated after a concert in Amsterdam

It is particularly in this context, and under these conditions, that could occur violinist David Grimal, the cellist Victor Julien-Laferrière, pianists Philippe Cassard, or Nelson Goerner, the soprano Natalie Dessay, or the quatuor Hermès. But the virus is also invited to participate in the party.