Now it happened so: to The payment processor Wirecard has filed for bankruptcy. What threatens now? Actually, Wirecard, it is paid, to transfer money quickly and reliably from the client to the dealer.

Franz Nestler

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

According to the just-resigned former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun, the fees that the company is enough for a payment transaction once be, currently, an average of 1.4 to 1.7 percent. This means: the customer Pays 100 euros, the go-between € 1.40 to € 1.70 to Wirecard.

If the company makes a bankruptcy filing, the topic of “reliable” very much in question. For the time being of the businesses in a bankruptcy procedure will continue as normal. But how long is that still the case, is at least questionable.

a Lot of traders have already decided against Wirecard

The Problem that Wirecard often leads the accounts to which the customer’s land resources. Many companies had changed in the past two weeks, daily payout, in order to keep the potential damage in the event of an inability to pay as low as possible. However, as the impact on the trade?

WIRECARD — — (–) Xetra tradegate lang & Schwarz, Stuttgart, London SE Int. Level 1FrankfurtSchweiz OTCWienSchweiz 1T 1W 3M 1J 3J 5J For detail view

The good news first: Wirecard does not belong in the stationary trade to the first League, as Horst Rüter from the retail Institute EHI explained. The main reason for this is that the company does not have its own technical Girocard license. However, the Girocard dominated in Germany, Wirecard can provide a maximum of about detours a Girocard-resolution ready. The Aschheimer have specialized in this country in the online trade, as well as the processing of credit card payments. Probably one of the most prominent examples of this are the discounters, Aldi is.

How big is the Problem of insolvency for each company, you can not estimate now, seriously. Some operate for a double infrastructure, so that you can at any time switch between different providers.

In normal operation, the runs so that each provider receives a certain percentage of the sales. How exactly this looks like is from company to company in different ways. Also, the percentages are often negotiated. In the current Phase, many retailers have decided against Wirecard and let their sales to alternative suppliers carry out, reportedly, it circles from the industry. Sales at Wirecard should be broken in accordingly.

that’s Why were guided behind-the-Scenes at the moment a lot of conversations with customers to build trust. Aldi Süd had approximately opposite the F. A. Z. with Wirecard in contact. Smaller dealers do not have to duplicate infrastructure, the money, and shy away from the effort.