The legendary “Hope”diamond could originate according to a study, more than three times as deep from the earth like most of the other diamonds. A study of similar diamonds to confirm suspicions that its origin lies in the interior of the earth’s mantle, scientists reported by Evan Smith from the American Institute of gemology (GIA) at the Goldschmidt Geochemistry conference, which takes place this year due to the Coronavirus pandemic online. The “Hope”diamond was in the 17th century. Century found in India and is now in a Museum in Washington.

according to legend, he belonged to a Statue of the Indian deity Vishnu, and brought his carrier (including Louis XV and Marie Antoinette) misfortune. It is true that the diamond phosphorescence is capable of, that is, its structure is built in a way that he nachglüht after irradiation with light red “”.

the “Cullinan”diamond was found in 1905 in South Africa and as the largest yet discovered diamond could originate, therefore, from the inner mantle of the earth. The diamond was split a few years after the discovery, nine large pieces are part of the British crown jewels.

A diamond is formed mostly by pressure in the earth’s mantle, the layer between earth’s crust and the earth’s core. Most of the diamonds come from a depth of 150 to 200 kilometers, a few but also from a depth of more than 660 kilometers. The researchers working with Evan Smith from the GIA examined the diamonds in the same classification as the “Hope”diamond and the “Cullinan”diamond with lasers and discovered the Remains of the material Bridgmanit, which occurs only in a terrestrial thickness of more than 660 kilometers.