What is a curmudgeon, the man at the oars. Scruffy, staring in front of dirt, repellent with every fiber. So you read it in Virgil and Ovid, and it seems to understand: What is that for a depressing Job, from early morning until late against a contribution of the Dead over the Styx, Lethe or Acheron? Later, when Monteverdi was then that the grumpy Charon has a heart, the stirring, by the singing of Orpheus, namely. What did the ferryman, the son of darkness, so grumpy, it long remained a secret. Here, the author Belo white Black more: a tragic love, of course, an insurmountable loss, and that is understandable, especially on the gently sloping shores of the television film ends.

a ferryman is here, of course, merely in a figurative sense. As an employed physician in a Swiss hospice, which is right on the border between Germany and Switzerland, touches Henry (Michael Pink) against a mite deadly potions. In solidarity with Alice nella città, he despises the undignified procedure, in the beds of the dying candidate shortly before the taking of the Hemlock Cup, by a line legally in Switzerland pushed need to be. Is scruffy, our angel of death, especially mentally, to be open to the alcohol fond of, but Forget it just will not succeed. The music and the joy of life don’t let this cynic to.

he would have been able to otherwise (or in every second TV-movie) to learn what helps against the biggest heartache: a new love. That, of all things, a “client” of the hospice, the in fact, a desperately funny, Rebecca (Tinka Prince) life – “You’re not afraid of Dying. You’re afraid to never have lived” – with its direct way (“do You think, Yes, stirred, not even in a life before death”) Henry’s petrified heart, brings a unique Dimension to the tragedy: It is only a finger the two wide Sand in the hour clock. Thus, the Plot is stretched, this peculiar sadness, pleasure game, and although it executes the after line and thread, the success of the Film, directed by Gerd Schneider, a lot of touching moments.

miracle of faith, the opposite screwed to the sky

this all sounds blunt, is due to the fact that Black-and-cutter aimed at the opposite of black Humor, on the body pale, so to speak, but is carried by a flow of heat. Discolor the lush colorful landscape of Switzerland even. After a slightly clumsy start, the Film blossoms soon to a surreal road movie with dry wit: “don’t Let up on the belt, it is worth it anyway.” The grantelnde Protagonist, who reveals himself to be a Nihilist like now (“death is simply the end of everything that was or could have been. Because only nothing is easy”), the beautiful Swiss mountains for “turd of the gods”, as the best in the narrative arc of this profoundly pious Carpe-diem-Requiem, the want to believe in miracles so fond of and turn-to-turn winding in the opposite screwed to the sky. adds itself

A movie about the moral complexities of euthanasia is so little like a real-life confrontation with the topics of illness and death. The Pink and the Prince of hard-to-broken-played characters are too archetypal (who is so rootless?) and the rates are sometimes a bit flat: “How does it feel to play God?” “So cancer is no picnic.” “I’m just a little bit of life into your life.” It is more about the (short) return to the joy of life to demonstrate, as to address you.