Nothing brings virologists and politicians in the Lurch as to the question of school openings and the return to the classroom after the summer holidays. Changing studies and their results, to the arbitrariness of the health authorities, the schools open or close, resulting in an explosive mixture, in which only say, as confirmed by three former education policy-makers in an opinion of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung: “the aim of all the closure measures and hygiene plans could never be, to prevent any infections, but Infected to detect quickly” and to keep infection outbreaks manageable. Regular testing of schools and nurseries should go hand in hand with their Opening up of “mandatory”.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

The former Berlin School-state Secretary Hans-Jürgen Kuhn (Green), the former education Senator Sybille Volkholz (Green) and the former Hamburg state Council, Michael Voges have insistently reminded that the fundamental importance of day-care centres and schools for children and young people had been underestimated in the past weeks.

For the upcoming school year, the authors suggest, therefore, an individual determination of the knowledge level of each individual child. Appropriate Tests and diagnostic instruments in each country. Comparison work like Vera in the year gears 3 and 8, you should make targeted use of the learning determine the stand, and you do not about expose. But the Tests also need to follow something, and then it is already more difficult: Targeted individual support services, tutoring programs, for the student teachers and other students won have to be, suggest the authors.

Completely in the Background all the inclusion efforts are stepped. What happens when young people with disabilities that wanted to switch this fall from the school in the training? Because the companies have been offering non-disabled young people have few training places. By the standing conference of the Ministers of the ministries of education and school administrations of the countries up to the school supervisors and the school principals, all of their control responsibilities would have to meet. That is, for the authors specifically: clear and binding Standards and policy guidelines for distance learning if other infections should make it necessary, but also for the relationship between presence and distance education, the accessibility and the feedback from teachers for students and accountability to the school public and the school Inspectorate. The quality framework in the countries had to be supplemented by standards for the distance education.