The Bayer group has entered in the litigation to the herbicide glyphosate, a comprehensive comparison: Again, pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical group, announced on Wednesday evening that he will pay a total of up to 9.6 billion dollars. To 1.25 billion dollars, which will be provided for any future plaintiff to come.The agreement is a breakthrough for the dendax team group creates, however, all of the actions from the world. There are 30,000 cases in which the lawyers wanted to not be an agreement involved remain still.Bayer stated that the agreement would bring three-quarters of glyphosate verfahrenzum statements and spoke of a total of 125,000 submitted and not yet submitted claims. Most recently, the company reported to have complaints of a little more than 50,000 applicants are available.

Jonas Jansen

economic correspondent in Düsseldorf.

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Roland Lindner

economic correspondent in New York.

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The comparison was for Bayer, “the right step at the right time, to bring a long period of uncertainty to an end,” said Bayer management Board Chairman Werner Baumann. “It is the most current claims and established a clear mechanism to address the risks of potential future procedures. And he is economically reasonable, compared with the significant financial risks of continued multi-year litigation, as well as the associated negative impact on our Reputation and our business.“

Corona-the crisis as an additional incentive

The lawyer, Kenneth FEIN Berg, acting as a Mediator in denGlyphosat cases, said the F. A. Z., from his own experience also would lead to open cases within a few months in comparison. The agreement now reached will move many of the plaintiff to an agreement. In addition, the Corona-crisis to ensure that the remaining plaintiffs could not hope so quickly to trial, which is an additional incentive for an amicable solution.

Glyphosate since the Takeover of the us Monsanto group, to 2018, to Bayer. The plaintiffs make the herbicide for their cancers. Bayer denies that glyphosate causes cancer, but the pressure on the company to agree with the plaintiffs, has increased, because it has lost three processes. The plaintiffs were awarded high compensation sums, in one case, there initially were even more than two billion dollars. These amounts were later reduced, but they were still in all three cases, the three-digit million range. In the three lost legal dispute, Bayer has filed an appeal, and this appeal should go, in spite of the now-closed comparison, and more.