Back to contact. After the huge success of the payment without contact, it is the turn of the payment digital to see the light of day in France, we learn from Le Parisien/today in France . According to the information of the newspaper, confirmed the Figaro, the BNP Paribas should start in the fall, a card with a biometric. It will allow its holder to pay in positioning the finger to a specific point of the card, and thus bypass the code. The gesture will be the same as at the time of payment without contact, except that here, the transaction will not be capped at 50 euros. “The card is very simple to use, it is not thicker, the shape and size do not change,” says one to the BNP.

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Between 10,000 and 15,000 cards, biometrics should be deployed as early as the fall, for the launch of the operation. They will be delivered first to the holders of Gold cards or First, with a small enclosure. It will save its imprint upon receipt of the card, to make it operational. “The idea being then that the card is accessible and made available to all our customers”, explains the bank.

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Designed by the specialist of electronics Thales, this map has already been tested and the system is operational, it promises to be. BNP Paribas ensures that payments made via this new card will be very secure, given that the fingerprint is unique to each. For the moment, the bank is still working on his commercial offer and details so not everything relates to the price of this card. In France, payment by credit card represents 60% of all transactions, according to the Observatory CB of the group credit Cards.

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