Until 1. July, the lump sum restriction for Entries from other States in the Schengen area still applies. After that, you should be step relaxed way, as the EU has recommended the Commission two weeks ago. Since then, the EU States are working on a solution, which is to be strictly based on health criteria. Five times already, the EU-Ambassador’s interest in this topic as recently as this Wednesday. The Croatian presidency of the Council has created two tables with countries that would qualify under the current location for the Opening in question. Including Uganda, Cuba and Vietnam are not, however, the United States, such as the New York Times reported. The newspaper evaluated as a “violent blow to America’s Prestige in the world” and as a “rejection of the President Trumps dealing with the Virus”.

Thomas Gutschker

Political correspondent for the European Union, Nato and the Benelux countries, based in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

Surprisingly, the result is not, of course. The EU Commission had recommended that exceptions for countries whose epidemiological situation is at least on EU-level, if not better. Decisive for this is the number of documented infections per 100,000 inhabitants, measured over a period of two weeks.

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test at the beginning of June, this value for the whole of the European Union and Schengen associated countries was just under 100. In the meantime, he has fallen to 16; the data are taken from the European infection protection authority. In contrast, the value for the United States is located at 107, for Brazil, even at 190. Both States will not reach for the foreseeable future the European level, because their infection numbers rise significantly.

Open only for States with declining Rates

If 16 is the upper limit, meet currently, 47 States this criterion. The Excluded is increased to 20, there are 54 countries. These are the two tables, which has been prepared in Croatia. But diplomats point out that the first list will be significantly shorter. The EU wants to open only for States whose rate of infection is decreasing overall, and are even willing to Enter the EU again – and for all. Also the load capacity of the health system should be taken into account, so the number of available beds in intensive care units.