We wondered what it would be like the 32nd ceremony of the Molieres, pre-recorded on four days, in front of a handful of appointed, without a speech-river or master of ceremony. Force is to admit that the show is revealed to be rather pleasant, and went back to shoehorn in two hours of air time.

read also : Molières 2020: at the time of the virus, a ceremony in two acts

From the outset, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, an animator who took up bravely the torch of Bruno Solo, has warned –in case that we have escaped – it was not Nicolas Bedos, or Alex Vizorek, not more than Zabou Breitman or Alex Lutz, who preceded her in the exercise. But the humble “accompanist of the renaissance of the theatre”. Because it was beating a Châtelet sounding hopelessly hollow, as all the theatres of France for three months. Authors, actors and film directors hand-picked cheered as four. Even the bailiff to Me Crussard, who came to deliver the envelopes, was entitled to his standing ovation. “We took the best! “, joked a Alex Lutz hilarious.

The Molière of the stage director in a theatre private returns to Alexis Michalik for his play A love story. ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT / AFP

the Culture minister, Frank Riester had also made the move, too happy to escape to the exercise ritual of the étrillage in good standing. The ceremony has not seen the irruption of the intermittents du spectacle, which the viewer of Molières is usually fond of. Interspersed with pieces chosen in previous editions and distributed to the antenna, the rewards flow all night at a steady pace. The winners have barely the time to hear their name as a hostess in the mask, hands them a microphone disinfected. “I’m not going to be too long, nor too boring’, promises Niels Arestrup, Molière for best actor in a play private, and that meets at least his first commitment. Of course, the Molière of the stage director in a spectacle of the private theatre returns to the darling Alexis Michalik, for his play A story of love, fruit of a rupture delicate. Which Michalik take the opportunity to thank the one who had left her in real life, and without which none of this would have been possible…

Doubled for the actors of The Fly

In the family of the public theater, the big winner is Electra of the shallows, Simon Abkarian, coerced and forced to get up three times to retrieve the statuettes (best play, best director and Molière of the French songwriter). Same price for The Fly, with his Molière of the visual creation and a rare double best actor in the public theatre -Christian Hecq – and best actress. Christine Murillo wins, among others, from Isabelle Adjani.

Pierre Richard, directed by Mathilda May, recognized for its single-stage Mr. X. ANNE-CHRISTINE POUJOULAT / AFP

The main coups de théâtre of this thirty-second came in from Mary’s Chickens – Governess in George Sand, Gérard Savoisien, directed by Arnaud Denis (Molière of the best piece of private theatre and Molière of the actress in a show of private theater for Béatrice Agenin). And another show, also noticed at the last festival of Avignon: Is what I have a mouth of Arletty ?, which won the Molière of musical and female revelation for Élodie Leading, wonderful mouth atmosphere.

also read : Scene of the ideal among the good lady of Nohant

Grace of the assembly, speeches were cut with the sickle. It was the will of Michael Field, director of the cultural programmes of France Télévisions, who had said before the show: “If I am the one who has introduced a ceremony of the Molieres without endless thanks, I won’t have totally missed my life “.

The complete list

Molière of musical

Is what I have a mouth of Arletty ?, of Eric Bu and Elodie, Leading, directing Johanna Boyé, the Théâtre du Petit Montparnasse. Revival at the Théâtre Montparnasse in mid-September, at 19h.

Molière of humor

Alex Lutz Alex Lutz and Tom Dingler, directed by Tom Dingler.

Molière to the young public

The Little Mermaid, based on Hans Christian Andersen, directed by Géraldine Martineau, Studio-Théâtre of the Comédie-Française.

Molière of the single(e) – en-scene

Mr X, with Pierre Richard, Mathilda May, directed by Mathilda May, Théâtre de l’atelier. Tour from October 2020 to march 2021 in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia.

Moliere of the actor in a spectacle of public theater

Christian Hecq in a Fly, after George Langelaan, directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq.

Molière of the actress in a show of public theater

Christine Murillo, in The Fly, after George Langelaan, directed by Valérie Lesort and Christian Hecq.

Moliere of the actor in a theatre show private

Niels Arestrup, in Red, by John Logan, an adaptation of Jean-Marie Besset, directed by Jérémie Lippmann.

Molière of the actress in a theatre show private

Béatrice Agenin, Marie hen – Governess in George Sand, Gérard Savoisien, directed by Arnaud Denis. Revival at the Théâtre Montparnasse in mid-September, at 21h.

Molière of the staging of a show of public theater

Simon Abkarian, for Electra the shallows, Simon Abkarian.

Molière for the stage of a theatre show private

Alexis Michalik, for A love story, Alexis Michalik. Reprise at the Scala on September 11, 2020

Molière of the female revelation

Élodie Leading in Is what I have a mouth of Arletty ?, Eric Drank and Élodie Leading, directing Johanna Boyé. Revival At the théâtre Montparnasse in mid-September at 19h.

Molière revelation men

Brice Hillairet, in The Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie, directed by Ladislas Chollat.

Moliere of the actor in a supporting role

Jean Franco, in the highest heaven, Julien and Florence Lefebvre, directed by Jean-Laurent Silvi.

Molière of the actress in a supporting role

Dominique White, in Angels in America, Tony Kushner, directed by Arnaud Desplechin.

Molière of the French songwriter living

Simon Abkarian, for Electra the shallows.

The editorial team conseilleThéâtre: a fly who walks in the plafondMolières 2020: at the time of the virus, at a ceremony in two actesNiels Arestrup: fifty years of career, the confessions of a “sacred cow” of A love story : Alexis Michalik-core perdusArletty leads us to the paradis36 commentairesNonorle 24/06/2020 at 10:22 am

A fiesta at the expense of the taxpayer, I hope they are at least amused…

minoubleule 24/06/2020 10:17

Who is interested in this type of meetings as useless as trivial ? there are problems way more important in the country that a meeting between hasbeen .

Alain CUVELLIERle 24/06/2020 at 10:08 am

But what have they of Molière to claim ? May of them are like this artist : author, composer, performer, stage director, stage manager; They are not just good for the majority of them to play with more or less happiness , a role that they have learned by heart and repeated many times are the eye of filmmakers critics. The merit of say Molière was not their job really.

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