In Moscow is just made up for the beginning of spring: Since last week, the terraces of the cafes and Restaurants are open and well filled. On the streets of strolling people, the prescribed facial protection masks dangle, many under the chin, or lack of as the obligatory gloves. On Tuesday, the interior were the catering facilities re-open as well as swimming pools, kindergartens and gyms. Passenger ferries completed for the Celebration of their return with a Parade on the Moscow river.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. to stay, for example,

Since the end of March, millions of people in the fight against the Corona pandemic had a good two months at home. To mayor Sergei Sobyanin, lock two weeks ago, the “self-isolation regime”, far-reaching output, picked up to pressure from the Kremlin, it was reported. President Vladimir Putin wants to lift the mood on this Wednesday, the military parades to 75. Anniversary of the victory over Germany in 1945, make up for; to be held on 9.May you be held now on the anniversary of Stalin’s victory parade on the Red square. The heads of state and government, which receives Putin, but Russia’s sphere of influence, Belarus, Central Asia and the Georgian breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which sees Moscow as independent States.

a Few heads of state to visit

the French President had announced for the may date, it was said in Moscow, matt, and Emmanuel Macron come “soon” to Russia. The President of Serbia and the Republic of Moldova as a “Western” guests, Putin’s need to apply. Her Croatian colleague was in the short term with a broken plane to apologize, representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan justified their refusal with the Corona pandemic.

The is actually not defeated in Russia, even according to the official Figures for a long time. Accordingly, the country reported on Tuesday 599.705 Diseased, of which 234.917 “active” cases; more only in the United States and Brazil. 8359 people have died in Russia Covid-19, a much lower percentage than elsewhere. On questions of the world health organization to the head of the statistics authority around has manoeuvred well through different counting methods. How large is the uncertainty even among functionaries, revealed the head of the Board of Health, the previous week, the number of Covid-19-death cases in the medical staff, with 489 reported. This caused a stir, because the number is much higher than the end of may officially notified 101; the Supervisory authority is informed quickly, your head have only played “on the Internet circulating information”.