marriage proposal and reconciliation in the courtroom: A criminal process to a life-threatening knife wound is gone in Bonn with a hug, as well as the joint home of the offender and the victim to the end. The jury had convicted on Tuesday a 33-year-old woman from Mechernich for attempted manslaughter and dangerous bodily injury to two and a half years in prison. The Bonner Richter picked according to the judgement, but surprisingly the arrest warrant for the mother of two children. So the woman was able to leave with the father of a common child together the court building.

Whether you will go to the punishment appeal and when you take a stick in the end, was not immediately known. The defense had demanded, according to the Bonn “General-Anzeiger” even a suspended sentence of two years. This the court refused, but, “pity the decisions are correct,” said the presiding judge, Klaus purely Hoff, wish the Couple but at the same time all the best for the future.

According to the verdict, the woman had on the evening of 13. December, 2019 and their spouses with a strong knife stab in the chest to kill. The man barely survived. Judge purely Hoff had described the Situation succinctly: “she takes the knife, opens the door to stings and closes the door again.” In the process of 40 had refused to-Year-old surprisingly, the testimony, and instead, the accused made a proposal of marriage: “I love you, and you will – if she comes back marry free.” The defendant had asserted their love in the process, and the fiance for the terrible fact excuse. On the night she was killed she had been desperate, because he went with two buddies on a Bender and spending all the Christmas money – about 200 euros – plugged.

Also, you yourself had been drinking, according to alcohol in moderation, should have had the 2.4 per Mille of alcohol in the blood, and threw his clothes and belongings before returning to the road. You should have written your Partner in front of the angry response multiple messages and tried to call him. Without Success. The desperate mood is then tilted in anger, the court found. According to experts, the 33-Year-old was in fact diminished capacity.