A trade agreement between the United States and China, according to the American President Donald Trump is still valid. “The China trade Deal is completely intact. Hopefully, they will comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement shall continue to be,“ tweeted Trump on Monday. Previously, a comment of a close employee of the White house had suggested that the interim agreement was valid, what the markets were closed on Monday evening had responded.

Peter Navarro, Director of trade and manufacturing policy at the White house, told the TV station Fox News in an Interview to a question about the trade agreement with China: “It’s over.” On demand, the AP news Agency, Navarro said, however, his answer had been taken out of context and have to do with the agreement.

The government of Trump sees the Chinese efforts to contain the Coronavirus is extremely critical. Trump has made, China repeated for the pandemic responsible, which is why questions about the future of trade stemming from that cooperation.

In January, Beijing and Washington had agreed on a provisional trade agreement to reduce tensions in the dispute over punitive tariffs. China agreed to buy large amounts of American goods.