To a twelve-billion-Euro budget to mitigate the consequences of the Corona-crisis, want to be the CDU and greens in Hesse facilitate the addition of new debt. Like the government, the groups said on Tuesday, want to change the execution law on the debt brake, so that in the future, a simple majority for a credit authorization is not sufficient. So far, a two-thirds majority was required. The SPD and the FDP have already announced that a change in the law before the state court of appeal and responded on Tuesday indignant on the project.

Julian Staib

Political correspondent for Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and the Saarland with its headquarters in Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The execution of law dates from 2013 and going back to the former CDU-FDP government. The design of the debt brake and the specification of a two-thirds majority in the Parliament in the case of a borrowing, it was decided by the CDU, FDP, SPD and the Greens together.

the CDU and the greens had recently advertised for a total of six Meetings in vain with the opposition SPD and the FDP with a view to approval for the budget that you refer to as the “special assets Hesse good future”. This should be extended to the year 2023, the economy and the infrastructure, alone, 500 million euros are planned for investments in the ailing company. The SPD and the FDP had referred to the project as a “shadow budget” and in large Parts of the rejected, but are ready to be shown, to adopt further supplementary budgets. In March an Addendum was already in the Parliament budget in the amount of two billion euros decided.