loosens While the majority of Germany, the Corona of the provisions, there is in the district of Gütersloh in the face of more than 1500 infected workers in the battle Tönnies operating a regional Lockdown. What does this mean for the 370,000 people who live there? What is allowed and what is not?

LOCKDOWN: In the city and the district of Gütersloh, the contact restrictions from March 2020 to come into force. Which according to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), up to 30. June 2020.

MEETINGS: write to These restrictions, that only people from a family or a House in the General Public must stop. Must also meet two persons who are neither members of the family still live together.

RECREATION: to 30. June many cultural events and sports are again in closed rooms is prohibited. Fitness studios are also closed, such as cinemas and Bars.

CATERING: counter, enterprises need to be closed, Restaurants are allowed to stay subject to conditions, opens. It can have a maximum of two persons or alternatively a family at a table.