The trade unions of hospital doctors, left Tuesday morning for a meeting at the ministry on their “careers and salaries”, dissatisfied with the lack of schedule and costing of the improvements promised in the framework of the “Ségur health”.

read also : Caregiver anger : “It is necessary to increase the wages, and that they stop close to the hospital!”

One month after the beginning of the consultations, the hospital doctors had a new appointment at 9: 30am with Nicole Notat and his team, and waited and finally answers to their wage demands.

Las, “we left after an hour”, indicated to the AFP the Dr Rachel Bocher, president of the Intersyndicat national hospital doctors (INPH), “very disappointed” from this “meeting for nothing.” A dozen unions of practitioners, students, young doctors participated in this meeting.

“Nothing concrete”

A document, of the same type as the “draft agreement” presented Friday to the trade unions of the personal non-medical, has, however, been handed over to the doctors, but it has “neither date nor encryption”, she said. “It is a draft, we cannot negotiate on such a thing”, she added, hoping “that the next time the minister (Olivier Veran, editor’s NOTE) will be there with a budget envelope”.

for the time being, “there is nothing concrete,” said professor Norbert Skurnik, president of the medical Coordination of hospital, which also has “the impression that we ride”. “We have not slammed the door, but it is advantage of this meeting to show our bad mood”, he insisted.

The editorial team conseilleLe “Segur of health,” go into the heart of the matter of salaires37 commentairesanonymele 23/06/2020 14:42

liberalism destroys really everything, for a further two years…

a expatle 23/06/2020 14:39

I am fed up, The money goes into our administration, and not in the medicine.
It is necessary to choose between our love of bureaucracy and our Health.

Georges 22le 23/06/2020 14:38

Give the salary scales instead of making an article empty. a
Nurses under paid likely but doctors ! a
C is n’t because in the prive they have salaries astromoniques that they need to do the same.

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