“This morning, the ban on airlines in the event of an alternative of less than 2h30 by train becomes a reality”, Clément Beaune wrote on Tuesday May 23 on his Twitter account. The Minister of Transport was in fact celebrating the publication of a decree for the application of the climate and resilience law, voted in 2021. In reality, flights from Paris-Orly to Nantes, Lyon and Bordeaux, affected by the ban, n have not been going on since the summer of 2020. But above all, recalled Jean-Marc Jancovici on the RTL site, this measure has a minimal impact.

Air transport is responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, “that is to say about as much as the world’s truck fleet and two-thirds of the world’s car fleet”, recalls the scientist. “Unfortunately, when you look at the decision that has just been made, you can say if you are very upset, that it is a charade, if you are a little more polite, that you would have been better off doing nothing. »

“Domestic flights being shorter, they will consume less fuel”, explains Jean-Marc Jancovici, while “within domestic flights, the most important destinations are not affected at all by this measure”. Thus, the ban would only affect 2% of French domestic flights. And the expert concludes that “the Minister of Transport has lost a good opportunity to be silent. »