It was removed. At least, that is what everyone had understood it. Even the most bad jokes have an end. Well, not those of Jean-Marie Bigard.

Saturday evening, on the stage of the Apollo Theater in the Eleventh arrondissement of Paris, the comedian has revived his bid for the Elysée palace as shown in the images of BFMTV. And to accompany this announcement, the comedian didn’t go of dead hand, étrillant number of members (current and former) of the government. A true letting go of crap…

read also : This was not his best joke : Jean-Marie Bigard renounces its draft application to the Elysium

During his show, in a room accommodating only a few spectators, but equipped with a tracking device at a distance, Jean-Marie Bigard has explained : “I am not removed. Simply, it is a real sport and therefore when you haven’t done for a long time, I said that it was better in the stands. But I do not throw in the towel, I am thrilled to be afraid (…)”.

The message seems clear, the comedian plans to do indeed play a role in this presidential election. One of the scarecrow ? The populist of service ? “I’m going to take my phone and ask the mayors the 500 signatures. Imagine if I got them before all the world ? I’m going to really scare them”, fantasy-t-it.

As in a meeting, Jean-Marie Bigard initiates the enumeration of a few measures that are close to his heart such as the reopening of the brothels, the return of the right to drop allowing the design of his own water-of-life and even the repeal of the act PLM, relating to the status of the electoral of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. He would also like to divide by three the total food expenditure of the households.

read also : Presidential: Macron attentive to the hypothesis Bigard

Everything goes wrong when Jean-Marie Bigard evokes the political class. If he wishes to divide the National Assembly into two camps, it will then attack frontally and unabashedly certain members (current and former) of the government of Édouard Philippe. According to him, Agnès Buzyn, the ex-minister of Health and candidate of The Republic in march to the city hall of Paris, would have “blood on their hands”. In its momentum, he also takes to his replacement, Olivier Véran. And finally Sibeth Ndiaye. Decency requires us to conceal the words he uses in regard to them.

Simple show or true first meeting ? Jean-Marie Bigard leaving the door open to any interpretation: “Everyone will think what he wants but I was happy to be able to express myself freely.” Recall that in the first round of the municipal elections, the list of Marcel Campion, he argued, to make bite the dust to Anne Hidalgo, has not got 1% of votes in the capital…

” SEE ALSO – Jean-Marie Bigard again confirms its political ambitions