In the quarantined göttingen, residential complex, died at the weekend, a 42-year-old residents. Resuscitation attempts by the emergency medical service had been in the night from Saturday to Sunday in vain, informed the city on Monday. As one speaker said, was the death of the vorerkrankten man are in no way related to the current infection to happen. The Test for the Coronavirus was down at the residents negatively.

The police closes according to a spokesperson of third-party negligence. For more Details on the illness of the husband have not been known. A person accompanying the 42-Year-old was housed in an urban apartment, it was said of the city. In the message, the speaker also includes a connection to the riots on Saturday afternoon in the courtyard of the complex.

Since Thursday not allowed to leave the approximately 700 residents of the building. Earlier, around 120 had been tested positive for the Coronavirus. According to the city, the people live in conditions precarious, the apartments are only 19 to 39 square metres in size – some families are with four children.