in Berlin: On the future of the Lufthansa members – Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) and Economics Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) to negotiate on Monday, according to information from the F. A. Z. is equal to two government. Also at the table, the Lufthansa CEO, Carsten Spohr, as well as the major shareholder Heinz Hermann Thiele will be sitting. Germany’s largest airline, came as a result of the pandemic in Distress. In order to survive, had the group’s management actually, even with the Federal government on a comprehensive aid package agreed in the billions.

entrepreneurs Thiele, in turn, had brought in the last week, once again moving in the matter, as it increased its share from 10 to 15 per cent, and in a conversation with the F. A. Z. the claim arose, the Federal government already agreed on a package to reopen. Thiele expressed concern that the Federal government could prevent with the planned entry with 20 per cent of Lufthansa, the necessary restructuring of the Airline, if, for example, from the employee side, the pressure on the policy will increase.

The Lufthansa management had, in turn, declared, that about 22,000 of the 138,000 to jobs would have to be put in the group as a whole for Disposition. At the same time Thiele had stressed in an interview with F. A. Z., the future of Lufthansa’s “non-or slow down” block. He is with the investment, not dividends, but for the preservation of the company.