The abolition of domestic airlines in France, where there is an alternative by train in less than two hours and a half, will apply to all companies and not only to Air France, said Monday the secretary of State for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari on RTL.

read also : First Air France flight to China for the past five months

“We’re going to ask in the framework of the plan of rescue of Air France on the environmental conditions. Among these conditions, it is actually that Air France is withdrawing lines, and in particular to Orly airport, for which there is an alternative rail at least two and a half hours,” recalled Jean-Baptiste Djebbari.

But “it is obviously not conceivable that the operators what they are, including low cost, come here to insert. So we will take a shutdown for environmental reasons, consistent of course with the european law, so that there is not, in fact, these effects of distortion of competition”, he added. “The lines will be removed in consultation with the regions”, said the secretary of State, referring to discussions that must engage, “the return of the summer”.

read more : EasyJet plans to operate approximately 75% of its bonds in August

Asked about the rumors that 8000 to 10,000 job cuts within the company Air France, within the framework of a savings plan, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari said he could not confirm these figures. “What I see is that if the State had not paid to Air France up to € 7 billion, tens of thousands of jobs that would be today in danger,” he said.

“Person (…) is not able to say what will be the state of air transport in six months, a year, in 18 months,” said Jean-Baptiste Djebbari. “The most rational to do is what we did: it was to save Air France-KLM, is to look at transparency and clarity what will happen to the air transport and Air France adjusts”, he said.

The editorial team conseilleLes deletions of mail to Air France will be announced to trade unions the 3 juilletLe government puts $ 15 billion on the table to attach the cap to an aviation carbon-in-20352 commentairesJC3331le 22/06/2020 10:42

When is the Mr. speaks of the rational… so that everything in the management of this crisis is irrational, including the fact that this crisis was created of any part by politicians and the media… #hontedemesdirigeants

Sandro Johnsonle 22/06/2020 10:21

It really is the rope that supports the hanged man. They are so much under the influence of the fads green that they are well capable of killing the French air.

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