Gerlinde Otten racket has prepared for the body of Christ a beautiful place. On a stool in front of the front door, she placed a blanket, a glass plate with a lid is. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, the grass smells freshly cut, here in Nieder-Wöllstadt in the Wetterau on this Sunday morning. “Solid!”, calls on the seventy-four year old Patrick Strosche struggling with the gate. After some stuttering, it has managed the pastoral assistant. On a way from the washing of concrete slabs he goes to Otten racket. In one Hand he holds a square, a small leather case.

Tobias Rösmann

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Strosche has to this day a special service: It is communion helper for a short Celebration at home. Since the 17th century. May the parish Wöllstadt/Rodheim, which belongs to the diocese of Mainz offers this Service. Although each week will be held in place since the beginning of may, also two public fairs, but some of the older member of the community appears to be a visit because of the risk of Infection by the Coronavirus, as before, to dangerous.

Since the Lockdown no Church attendance

Gerlinde Otten racket was since the Lockdown in mid-March, not in their beloved Church of St. Paul, which is just a few hundred metres from your house. She was gone before Corona for 45 years, almost every Sunday there. For three months they followed the worship services via live stream. There is in Nieder-Wöllstadt from the beginning. Meanwhile, the resourceful uses IT-Officer of the parish, Martin Schöniger, even a private Server for the offer to retrieve each week, between 55 and 80 devices. For 800 devices at the same time capacity would be available. Also otter racket could go in may and again in worship. Because she is waiting but, on a important Operation, she wants to take any risk. Therefore, you can use the offer of the House communion, which is otherwise only offered as a sick communion.

Patrick Strosche opens the push-button of the black cases. Then he pulls out gently with a round, flat, Golden receptacle. It is a Pyxis, in which a consecrated host rests. The short located previously during the conversion to the Altar of St. Paul, on a special cloth. Also for the sick communion is a Pyxis is used.

Strosche, the disinfected when Leaving their cars in the hands with a Spray, takes the body of Christ, puts it on the glass plate and step back a few steps. Gerlinde Otten racket takes the host, stops briefly, and puts it in the mouth. Then you pray in the open door. The 74-year-old woman finds the combination of the streamed worship service, followed by Home communion. “I’m connected with my community. The community I feel.“

Just under two hours before the doors of the Church are opened wide. A half an hour and then the worship service begins. Everywhere, at the entrance to the yellow signs with the announcements and Notices on the wall: “No mask? Unfortunately, no admittance”, “The square and the square only at the request of the folder” or “cough, colds, fever, diarrhea? Unfortunately, no admittance!“, on it. The top right is a white sign can be found. The “Welcome” goes down almost.

511 square feet of Church space = 51 participants

Who wants to participate in St. Paul to a Church service, you must register in a timely manner on the Internet and then gets a confirmation. In the 511-square-metre large Church space, only 51 persons may, therefore, at the same time. This Sunday ten of the folders and helper take care of 18 participants.