Before the Landgericht Frankfurt is a great method to drug trafficking and embezzlement of millions of funds in the so-called Darknet, is on the horizon. As the General Prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt announced on Monday, is the indictment of three men from Hesse, North Rhine-been-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg collected. The accused accused is established the Online marketplace, “wall street Market” and to have operated. In the Darknet, a screened and only certain browsers accessible area of the Internet, is supposed to be the “wall street Market” at times, the secondleading platform for drugs, out of peered data, falsified documents, and malicious software.

Marcus Young

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

After one and a half years of investigations lawyers, the state, the Central office for combating Internet crime (ZIT) and the Federal criminal police office (BKA) in the spring of 2019, a blow against the illegal trade managed. Also, the European police authority, Europol, American, and Dutch authorities were involved. So the Server should have been the platform’s infrastructure, for the most part in the Netherlands.

The three alleged perpetrators were arrested in April 2019 festival. For men, at that time, cash was Seem in small, jewelry, expensive sports cars and other assets is ensured. According to the prosecutors, the accused, from March 2016 to April 2019 deserved, so shortly before their arrest, mainly thanks to Provis and sales charges. Up to 5.5 per cent Commission demanded by the men for the Trustee digital payment accounts (“Wallets managed”), on a total of 36 million euros went.

men wanted to settle with money

But in addition, started the maker, it is said in the indictment, the entire sale proceeds of the drug transactions that occurred usually in the digital currency Bitcoin, worth around Euro 8.6 million to their own digital wallet redirect. The investigators of the ZIT to speak here of an “Exit Scam”, a misappropriation of funds, combined with the aim to distinguish themselves.