After the riots in a quarantined housing complex in Göttingen, there has been an arrest. A suspect was identified early Sunday evening on the site and have been arrested, said a police spokeswoman on Monday. The man had been taken to the police station and after identification of his person alien released. Further Details were not available initially. In the case of the riots on Saturday, eight police were injured, officials, emergency workers were pelted according to police with bottles, stones, metal rods, household items, and pyrotechnics.

since Thursday, some 700 residents are not allowed to leave the building. Earlier, around 120 had been tested positive for the Coronavirus. According to the city, the people live in conditions precarious, the apartments are only 19 to 39 square metres in size – some families are with four children.

On Sunday continued the trial of the residents, according to the city, this went without a hitch. Results are expected on Monday evening. In the night it was to quiet.