in view of low infection numbers of Hesse loosens his Corona-rules. From this Monday to the regular teaching should start in primary schools for all the children to five days of the week. Residents of the Hessian nursing homes can be three Times a week visits. People with disabilities who are being cared for, should be allowed to receive every day a Person.

Also in the retail sector, the Corona will be loosened reins: in the Future, a customer may have ten square meters of retail space in the shops – instead of a customer per 20 square meters. It must, however, be borne continue to be a daily mask, and a minimum separation distance of 1.5 meters.

in addition, events such as theatre performances, concerts and events with up to 250 participants with no more extra monitors need to be approved. Requirement is a concept of Hygiene remains. So far, an upper limit of 100 participants was considered. The new rules apply, according to the state government in Hesse, initially up to 16. August.