In times of the deepest Lockdown, as the Frankfurt train station area seemed deserted, there were scenes, of which local residents say, they seemed like something out of a apocalyptic movie. People torkelten in the drugs on the street, only half conscious. Again and again, screams were heard day and night. Once a man crossed the sidewalk at the Taunus road, he had put the syringe right in the face. On the sidewalk the other Addicts were sitting in larger groups, the crack you had is whistle each other in the face. The Sidewalk was used behind parked cars and trash cans as a toilet. And on the floor there was garbage. Nothing more than garbage.

Catherine Iskandar

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The stench of urine and faeces is also now even pushy, if you drive through the streets. The legacies are to the ground seeps. Almost three months after the beginning of the lock downs, has not changed the Scenery in the station district. Worse still, The structures that have formed, as the district was largely left to themselves, have not solidified in such a way that local residents and traders say, as bad as it was for a long time. Three years ago, it was mainly the new deal groups, which brought unrest in the district. Now, not only the drug trade that is observed daily on the streets but it is not, but increasingly also the open consumer.

The feeling, to be displaced

“This space has become self-appointed law-free Zone,” says Gisela Paul. The market is every Tuesday and Thursday with your Green-sauce-Stand in the Imperial road. For the past 21 years. In the meantime she has the feeling to be displaced. Of Junkies, mentally eye-catching people, petty criminals, and aggressive beggars. Her son, meanwhile, worry that the two might be seventy-year-olds one day, even once a victim. “In the meantime, there is no market without problems,” says Paul. “It is urinating behind the stands, tent walls to be cut open, in the hope that the full Fund is available. Some mornings, the market received a master already with a bottle of litters, if you want to make the space for the stands is free. All of these are not States.“

The market, said Paul, had been founded, to the district, to upgrade. The works: “The market is a great gain for the quarter. In the meantime, but don’t want to come, especially older customers, because they feel insecure. And the policy to look. They must also see that the Emperor road for many people, travelling by train, is the entrance to the city.“

“as bad as that time”

Gisela Paul, the States in the Eighties and Nineties. She says now it was “as bad as it was then. Only that it is not happening in the taunusanlage, but in the entire district.“ They also reported that the drug problem has now shifted from the smaller streets and the drug facilities auxiliary to the Imperial road. “This has not happened in the past. The Imperial road was always clean.“

The police observed a development in the structure of the open drug trade, which has changed since 2015, as the station district was tilted once again. In the meantime, says police officer Thomas Hollerbach, there are many addicts who sold themselves narcotics. Those dealers that were 2015 “on the road”, to be indented in the hierarchy and had “sought under the Dependent runners to take over the shops”. Thus, a structure is created, the rate for police, new to. Added Bulgarian groups, which were conspicuous in the Milieu, such as in the illegal street prostitution. The drug market deal groupings from North Africa, Albania, Jamaica, and East Africa among themselves divided further. Even in relatively peaceful coexistence.