The former National security Advisor of the United States, John Bolton, is hoping for an announcement from President Donald Trump in November. He hope that Trump will go down in history as “a President with a term of office, not the country irreversibly into a downward spiral brought down,” said Bolton in a Sunday evening (local time) during an Interview broadcast on the ABC.

The conclusion to be drawn from his next Tuesday book published was clear: “I think he should not be President.” Bolton said he would not vote for Trump for his alleged Challenger Joe Biden.

ABC had already published a few days ago, excerpts from the Interviews. In it Bolton had said, Trump is not suitable for the office of the President. “I don’t think he has the skills to do the Job.” The 71-year-old Bolton had worked together from 2018 to 2019, one and a half years with Trump. Trump had hate his National security adviser last September.


A Federal court in Washington had rejected on Saturday the request for a preliminary injunction, with the help of the Trump government wanted to stop publication of the book due to the inherent secret information at the last Minute. In the reasoning of judge Royce Lamberth said it was to stop late for a Release. The book contains explosive allegations against Trump. The President has announced that Bolton will pay “a high price” for publication.

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America in a weakened Position

Bolton test ABC said that Trump had been in political decisions, especially of his re-election, be guided, not by the Welfare of the country. Bolton was unable to Trumps foreign policy objectives together. “I don’t think you can do that.” The national security of the United States had been weakened under Trump. “I think, globally, we are in a weaker Position. I think we have given up in a variety of areas of the guide.“ Whoever Trump’s successor, will have “a tremendous amount of repair work”.

a Particularly sharp-the hard-line Bolton went with Trumps North Korea policy to the court. Bolton was asked how he would estimate on a scale of one to ten, trump’s chances of reaching a deal on the nuclear disarmament of North Korea. “I think that you are, at this time at Zero.” The threat posed by North Korea today is greater than to trump’s office. Trump had it in his Meeting with the North Korean ruler Kim Jung-un in the first place to photo ops gone.

“Arrant nonsense”

With a view on the Ukraine affair, said Bolton, Trump had made military aid for the Kiev government directly of investigations against Biden-dependent. Trumps the justification that it was gone in General, corruption in Ukraine, was “arrant nonsense”. Trump had to pull out due to the Ukraine affair, an impeachment procedure. At the end of which he has spoken by the majority of the Republicans in the Senate are free.