The dried blood stains in front of the shopping Mall in Stuttgart’s Gerber quarter-are marked with arrows with two numbered Adhesive. On Sunday noon, the police in the baden-employed-württemberg’s state capital, with the track fuse: window panes are scanned prints with LED lights according to finger, the DNA Material from the blood backed up, and some of the investigators try to interview the residents in the Sophie street and in king street, what did you get from riot in the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Rüdiger, they

Political correspondent in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

F. A. Z.

rioting, looting, street in Stuttgart, not commonplace, not battles between groups of young people and the police in violent demonstrations. Until the Protest against Stuttgart 21 and unsettled the city, was always proud that it took the riot police with water cannon never.

in Front of the One-Euro-Shop street in the Marie several shards of glass-a bunch of rampaging perpetrator threw the Windows of the business with paving stones and then began to plunder the shelves. On the Asphalt broken are cheap sun glasses, and a plastic watering cones for the garden. “This is the first Time that something like this in Stuttgart happens. What sense does it make to loot a One-Euro-Shop?“, a 48-year-old IT Manager who came on Sunday morning with the road to the Marie street, and with another look at the track fun watching the backup of the police asks.

“When I came home, the road was here a field of battle, the helicopter circled, I saw that the policemen were extremely tense,” says a Student of business Informatics, brings his Breakfast at McDonalds. The Windows of the fast food restaurants are also broken, the Manager must now sleep, and many of their colleagues were afraid of last night, says a woman behind the counter.

In the king’s road, the main shopping street of Stuttgart in the cracks of the rioters, several under-floor trash can from the ground, a popular ice-cream pavilion at the rotebuehlplatz is destroyed. The photos and Videos, the observers spread on Twitter, documenting the extreme brutality of the violent rioters: You see, as a young violent offenders car with an iron rod on a team of police beats, or as another masked alleged offender is a police officer in the back jumps.

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Eyob Russom is the responsible Manager for two mobile phone stores, after both stores were trashed and mobile phones, and Laptops have been stolen, he looked at the damage in the night: “these were not clever people, which was the highest possible damage and a lot of attention. Otherwise would not have tried to, Yes, the bulletproof glass of a jeweler’s interjecting,“ he says.