Bad times, comrades! They all fall: Columbus, Rhodes, Bismarck. For the managing Director of the world-spirit of its worldwide enterprises, the monument to fall following the price fall. But what one sees there, in a remote corner of the almost post-industrialized Germany, in front of the former savings Bank building in Gelsenkirchen-Horst?

Patrick Bahners

feuilleton correspondent in Cologne and is responsible for “Humanities”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The climbers is here! There is still a world-historical individual, for the uphill in the commemorative economic steep: Lenin not only made it to Karl-Marx-Stadt, he is since Saturday in the middle of the area, in pearl grey lacquered cast-iron, in front of the Headquarters of the Marxist-Leninist party of Germany (MLPD). A miner with a white helmet, speaks to him as a colleague: “Dear Lenin, we miners will welcome you with a friendly Glückauf!” And a second buddy in the praise of the international solidarity work of sociological twist: “We mountain people are a combative people!” A small group of their peers could return in a few days in Gelsenkirchen is the lowest at the top, with a foreman like Lenin. Malice is poured out in the Speeches of the party leadership over the competition of the SPD, in their shrinking constituency of the labour share is now lower than in the case of the FDP. In the final crisis of the capitalist system, there is the newcomer, only as a revolutionary role model. Good Times, Comrades!

The MLPD is understood as a theoretical avant-garde of the global labour movement. But she threatens not to miss the connection to the revolutionary mood of the current world moments, if you are erecting a thirty years ago in the Czech Hořovice abmontiertes still image again, this gives the impression that single men made the history? In the press conference Stefan Engel, the chief ideologue of the MLPD says, this question is far-fetched. Cult of personality is the MLPD foreign, and also a picture of Jesus hanging in every Church. Art-historical footnote: Gelsenkirchen dialectic is similarly intricate as the local Baroque. The party Chairman Gabi Fechtner pointed out that one has to put the Statue on a low Pedestal of Lenin to face the passers-by “at eye level” as any other politician. Expressly “from the Base to get” to “terms” such as “mass murderer”. Even Lenin would have led, so Fechtner and angel insure, at the time prefer to the plough than the sword. With the “small farmers” did he want “” to merge.