Clemens Tönnies, the co-owner of the largest Slaughterhouse in Germany, has taken the mouth has always been pretty full. A few years ago, as it was in the meat industry, the minimum wages for the extremely hard villain, for a large part of Eastern Europe a butcher, a separator and packer to introduce he promised a voluntary industry scheme. Nothing changed on the precarious situation of the workers inside.

And even as the minimum wage was introduced, found the Sub and Subsubunternehmer of the battle companies to make and Tricks to depress wages through deductions for protective clothing, rent, car service, or, after demand, to-define “misconduct”. Responsibility is divided in the industry for far too long by chains-contracts for work to be largely of their own free will as a pig in half. It is high time that the Federal law prohibits these exploitative-the-box structures in the meat industry, and the access rights for the protection extends.

Politically, this is possible only when at the beginning of may by several local Corona outbreaks in slaughterhouses showed, to develop what a dangerous Hotspots, businesses can. What Tönnies did a little more than a month? He warned not only revolted against a “General suspicion”, but tried to make themselves out to clean the industry of style.