The death message was initially only a side note in the newspaper. “Yet you know nothing about the identity of the man,” reported the AP news Agency, as in the late summer of 1992, a body was found in an abandoned Bus on the Stampede Trail in Alaska, a desolate piece of the Hinterland in the vicinity of Denali,. “But his diary the story of a desperate struggle for Survival told.”

It was the story of Christopher McCandless, a man in his early 20, who left his well-off parents on the American East coast, to live in the spirit of Tolstoy and Thoreau without the burdens of wealth – and largely without the resource. His Odyssey in the Alaskan Wilderness, was later with the book “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer, a best-seller. It McCandless posthumously became the most famous dropouts of the world, and for many adventurers to the projection figure of your dreams. In 2007, his fate of Sean Penn, was filmed.

hundreds lost their way in the search for the “magic Bus”

residents of the area, McCandless was not suffered, probably, was regarded as naive and suicidal. In addition, the Bus in which he spent the last 113 days before his lonely death by starvation, countless onlookers attracted. However, for many there was a lack of respect for the Wilderness. Two women drowned while trying to reach the “magic Bus” (2010 and 2019), more than a dozen adventurers had to be alone since 2007, saved. Hundreds have lost their way in all the years and be hurt.

In March had argued in the district Assembly of Denali therefore unanimously for the removal of wrecks – for reasons of General safety. The Bus, built in 1946, was originally from the city of Fairbanks in the line of transport used and came in 1960 in the Wilderness, to house employees during the construction of an access road.

On Thursday, he was of the twelve national guards, among them pilots, flight engineers and mechanics, in the framework of a training mission removed. With a heavy-duty helicopter type Chinook CH-47 they were flying pit the Bus to Kies, where he was loaded onto a trailer and to a “safe place” was brought up. His whereabouts is unknown. The sister of Christopher McCandless said the “New York Times” that she was “dismayed” by the news. “Nevertheless, I am convinced that the Parties have acted from the best of intentions.” A case with Memorabilia from the Bus was handed over to the family.