A two-year-old Ukrainian girl who had disappeared from her home in the Kharkiv region (west) has been found safe and sound in a forest six kilometers away from her home, police officials reported this Saturday.

“We have found little Violeta. She has spent three nights in the forest,” Serhiy Bolvinov, head of the Kharkiv region’s national police investigation department, wrote on his Facebook account. The girl, who has been searched for by more than a thousand people for four days, appeared “in a thick forest, among bushes, six kilometers from her house,” he added.

“Every day we pray that the girl was found alive,” said Volodimir Timoshko, president of the national police in Kharkiv, in another publication, noting that police, rescuers and volunteers had combed “every bush and every pond “in your search. “Violeta is alive and that is our joy,” he concluded, along with a photo of the little girl drinking water from a cup in the arms of a soldier.

The girl left the patio of her house in the town of Skrypai, where she was playing with her twin brother, on March 23, apparently under her own power, while her mother cooked inside the house.

The rescue services found footprints of the little girl in the forest on Friday, but had warned that in the case of children between two and three years old the chances of being found alive are drastically reduced after a second day outdoors. and no food

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