In Spain, has started on Sunday, the “new normal”. Since mid-March, one of the most stringent States of emergency in the Western world. For the first Time in more than a quarter of a year, the move, the Spaniard is now free again in their own country and travelling abroad. The borders are now opened for all Europeans, arriving from the Schengen area. Only the Transitions to Portugal and stay until 1. July closed.

Hans-Christian Rößler

Political correspondent for the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb, with its headquarters in Madrid.

F. A. Z.

With the end of the alarm condition, the government in Madrid, six Times renewed, is the 14-day home quarantine, which was for all of the Entry; only the German tourists, the project came in since Monday as part of a pilot to Mallorca, were exempt.

“We are vigilant, but also proud of what we have achieved together”, said Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez on the weekend. His government had to stop the public life, to delay the Virus. “The alarm condition and the output restrictions have said in Spain, 450.000, and in Europe three million lives saved”, the socialist politician, whose government wants to now concentrate on economic reconstruction, while a further precautionary measures remain in force.

In Spain, a mask of duty, in the public transport, as well as in the event that the safety distance of 1.5 metres, and can not comply with-along with the hygiene regulations for example.

Under the impression from 28.313 Corona-dead

the fight against the pandemic, the 17 regional governments, which have not yet eased all restrictions are now. In vain, the conservative daily in Madrid, called on regional government, a PCR Test for all incoming passengers to the Barajas international airport, to prescribe. In Madrid and other regions, for example, Nightclubs remain closed, in other places, great people are banned firm, at least until the end of September. Not only in the Spanish capital, the allowed number of persons in Local and other public places is gradually increased to about three-quarters of the seats in front of Corona. In Andalusia, 400 precautions apply until next spring.