in the narrow circle of his family, the British Prince William on Sunday, his 38. Celebrated the birthday. The Kensington Palace is spread to a photo that shows the Royal with his children George (6), Charlotte (5) and Louis (2) on a swing.

This photo was taken in the comm Hall on the property of the Royals in Norfolk, where William and Kate have spent with your children is the time during the Corona-lock downs in the UK.

This is a picture taken by Duchess Kate at the beginning of June. Also another picture that shows William with the three children in the Grass, raving like a madman, comes from Kate. Again and again the Kensington Palace published in the past, official pictures of the family taken by Kate. Most recently, the Duchess of the little Princess Charlotte in April showed how they distributed cakes and food to elderly residents who could not leave because of the lock downs, your house published.

Prince William was not the only member of the Royal family who had to celebrate his birthday due to the Corona pandemic in a very small circle. Also his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, celebrated her 94. Birthday in April without a traditional ceremony.

social commitment and the father’s role

As the eldest son of Prince Charles, William is number two in the British throne. His mother, Charles’ Ex-wife, Diana, died in 1997 in a car accident when William was 15 years old.

With the beginning of the 20th served William in seven and a half years in the British armed forces and was trained as a helicopter pilot.

In recent years, has engaged the Prince in the health, environmental and charity sector.

He has worked in his own words, also secretly as a crisis consultant, and people with mental health problems on the platform “Shout 85258 helped”, he told at the beginning of June. In addition, he expressed himself last month in a BBC documentary to mental health problems and the role as a father. According to the BBC, he described the Moment the children came into his life, as “life-changing”. Some of the traumas he had experienced in his Childhood in connection with the tragic death of his mother, however, returned again and again. Sometimes it was “overwhelming,” – quoted by the BBC.