The car maker, VW wants to emphasize in his division of Volkswagen commercial vehicles (VWN) in the coming years, about 5000 Points in the main plant in Hanover, and parts of the production to Poland to relocate. “A further leverage of our cost reduction plan is to reduce via natural attrition at the Hanover site, the workforce from 15,000 to 10,000 employees,” said VWN-chief Thomas Sedran, the industry newspaper “Automobilwoche” (Monday). Commercial vehicles for commercial customers are to be built, therefore, in the future, in Poland or from new partners, Ford come. In Hanover, the production of more expensive vehicles such as the Premium remains-Vans, or 2022 at the full electrical ID Buzz.

Sedran emphasized that the works Council had approved the plans, “we have shown that you can’t build commercial vehicles for € 20,000, in Germany, simply, without a plan to grow”. Well-equipped vehicles provide, however, for approximately 10,000 employees in Hanover, a perspective. “At the same time, we have a job guarantee until the end of 2029 – all of which, with the works Council jointly agreed”, said Sedran.

In Poland, produced VWN already the models Caddy, Transporter and Crafter. Also, E-cars, are manufactured there. In the past year, plants were in the Polish VW around 270,000 vehicles.