Guest this Sunday on LCI, the president of the region Île-de-France, Valérie Pécresse, expressed the view that it was necessary “to maintain the port of the mask mandatory in public transport (ile-de-france, editor’s NOTE)”.

“The virus is still circulating : it is necessary to maintain the port of the mask mandatory in the transport (…) at least until the 10th of July”, she said, in the issuance of The Grand Jury. “The mask-wearing compulsory is not a constraint, it saves lives”, she continued.

Valérie Pécresse has also ruled out any increase in the price of the Navigo Pass, while pointing out that the Île-de-France Mobility was in a situation of cessation of payment.

300.000 unemployed people over in the Île-de-France

the president of The region Île-de-France has also expressed on several economic topics. Valérie Pécresse has considered in particular that there would be “300.000 unemployed people over in the Île-de-France by the end of the year.” Relating to telework, she said that “it is necessary that the telework is a acquired of the crisis. On the other hand, telework suffered, not 5 days per week, this is too hard”.

“we will have to work longer”

On the question of working time, that comes back regularly in the discussions, Valérie Pécresse, has estimated that “in the current state where is the France, it could not withstand the decay, it cannot support that it produces less”. Before adding : “On the time of individual work, it depends on the company, it depends on the sector. I plead for the freedom, flexibility”.

Also asked about the pension reform, the president of the region Île-de-France said : “we must tell the truth to the French. There will be a hole in the caisse des pensions, and to fill that hole, you will need to work longer”. And to conclude : “If the government wants to re-engage in a reform of the pension without telling the truth, and without proposing lengthening the duration of contributions, this will still be a reform for nothing.”

The editorial team conseilleDevrons we work more to overcome the crisis?5 commentairesmijunale 21/06/2020 13:12

V. Pécresse was right, and I think he should also wear it in the shops

rubandemobiusle 21/06/2020 13:00

We open the borders, so it keeps the mask-wearing compulsory in the transport until the fall. If there is no seasonality to this virus, making education on the other seasonal viruses to keep the gestures barriers and the washing of hands. Each year, other viruses also kill the weak !

anonymele 21/06/2020 at 12:55 pm

What nonsense, madame, be more realistic, and a bit of grit, made the announcements that have meaning…not just the wind.

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