As the saying goes: money is not everything. Although students are advised due to the Corona-crisis in a financial emergency can apply, since Tuesday Federal grants. Depending on the account will be paid up to € 500 per month, and the money must be paid back. However, not all students are the problems to stop this. For example, for Julia Back.

Jessica Blazekovic

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

The 34-year-old mother is studying at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences Social work and is a co-founder of a new parent initiative. The combination of students, employees and teachers of the University to. in the pandemic period and beyond, for the reconciliation of work and family, studying, teaching, and professional use

“There are, of course, already a large network of focal points on Campus such as the children’s house or the women and equality officer, with whom we also work very closely”, says Baking and stresses in particular the commitment by Vice-President René Thiele.

patchwork in exam conditions

However, in the Corona-crisis, it became clear that the existing commitment is sufficient. You have a three-year-old daughter and was a single parent, it would add a week to 16 hours of video conference teaching and a part-time job. So, it is thanks to, among other things, the parents ‘ initiative that also single parent students in the state of Hesse can give your children in the emergency care of the day-care centres and schools. “First of all, the only employees and trainees free. On our demand, the Hessian Ministry for science and art was, finally, that the students have been forgotten,“ says Back.

With this success, does not want to enter the Initiative, but satisfied. In this week’s Back, and your fellow students have submitted interior a Petition to the Hessian government for fair testing conditions in the summer semester 2020. They demand, among other things, a prolongation of the processing times of the house To work a flexible registration and deregistration of exams and special consideration of students with care responsibilities. “For us it is important, however, to allow uniform and fair regulations for all students, whether with children or without children,” says Back.