A day after the rescue of 67 boat refugees by the “Mare Jonio” to the southwest of the island of Lampedusa, the Italian authorities assigned to the ship on Saturday the port of the Sicilian town of Pozzallo. The Italian aid organization “Mediterranea Saving Humans”, which operates the “Mare Jonio,” said on Twitter.

“Every day that a ship of the civil society should be blocked in a port, would be a day that the loss of people is threatening to life,” added the organization. The Italian authorities stopped again and again private search and rescue of ships with reference to safety defects in the leak, or were you Rescued due to the Corona pandemic after two weeks of quarantine on the Land.

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The “Mare Jonio” had taken the boat refugees on the previous day southwest of the Italian island of Lampedusa. According to the data of the “Mediterranea Saving Humans” was their wooden boat in the Maltese rescue zone in distress. A search plane from the German aid organization, the Sea-Watch had discovered the boat two days earlier. “Mediterranea Saving Humans,” accused the EU border protection Agency Frontex and the EU Mission Eunavformed Irini, to Search aircraft of the situation on the ground followed, to help the distress people.

Sea-Watch-defendant, meanwhile, the Italian authorities refused to allow the 211 refugees on the “Sea-Watch 3” further the allocation of a safe Harbor. The refugees had been taken in three rescue operations in the past few days on Board.