have you noticed how much the starship Enterprise and Olympia have in common? Not only the fact that the immortal Science Fiction series is set in the year 2200, the probable year of the games of the LXXVII. Olympics. In the space ship, exploring the infinite expanse of space, meet people of all continents and (then long-since been superseded) makes the spheres at eye level, it’s a Japanese and a Russian to navigate turns. Communication officer, the African Lieutenant Uhura.

It is more than a dream: So similar, it’s already in the Olympic athletes village. There are a wide variety of Design, only a Half-Vulcan like Mr. Spock has not yet been spotted. But it is also unimportant. It is what a can do, no matter where it comes from and what he looks like. Even the Nazi-propaganda games of 1936 in Berlin, it was not possible – among others, thanks to Jesse Owens, Adolf Hitler, to prove that there is a superior race. What: Olympia is a response to racism. It must be said, in these times once. Vulcan greeting, so this time to Lausanne.

Political boundaries

In this context, a few comments for all those who are calling for the abolition of the rule 50 of the Olympic Charter. The want to have the policy via athletes in the arenas. In 1936, the French team, with a raised right Arm to the cheers of the audience marched into the Olympic stadium in Berlin. Afterwards, the French provided the Interpretation, these have not been the Hitler greeting, but the Olympic greeting. Such discussions will lead, nobody more.