transparency has a dark side. You can violate rights of publicity or privacy, sometimes it is simply embarrassing. The sense of self-an organization that has declared transparency to the highest Good, and therefore in your name. Of the Anti-corruption organization Transparency International, kurz TI, is the speech. In the last week, a delicate document into the network: an investigation report of misconduct will be investigated in the international Secretariat.

Corinna Budras

editor in the business, and for Frankfurter Allgemeine objection.

F. A. Z.

It comes to violations of TI-principles in the switching office of the organization, a poor management style, bullying allegations against the Management, in order to lousy communication and a lack of transparency. The 26-page report gives the but only partially. The first page is almost blacked out completely, where the object of investigation will be explained, emblazoned in the black bar.

The Gap does not pull through the entire report, the first page is the most obvious admission of secrecy. Whole pages are missing, and without a word, they were omitted. Privacy and personality rights had to suffice as an explanation. You can check the hardly anyone.

It is off

Who wants to air the black bars, puffs on an organization with problems it seeks to combat otherwise – with others – actually, including a “dysfunctional management model”, so it formulate itself of external consultants. An organization that is deeply divided. The long-simmering dispute escalated just. In February, the Tl has set its managing Director Patricia Moreira in front of the door, without giving reasons. Employees accuse her of promoting a culture that enables bullying, and brought to Silence critical voices. She denies the allegations. Conversely, Moreira has denounced to the Board of Directors and internal committees of the opaque decisions and faulty structures, such as internal documents, available to the F. A. S.. Don’t want to comment on Moreira the. In the meantime, you are communicating only through lawyers

The attacks come from the point of view of Moreira, mainly by the works Council, the fights, the necessary restructuring of the organization with hard bandages. It’s been two and half years ago brought to the “Change Management”, which is a result of half-heartedly started and never to end-run restructuring is necessary. It is to be. In Public anyway, your view of things is missing. The now published report has no opinion of her, unlike what was previously promised.

As an interim chief was appointed to Daniel Eriksson. He would like to make to the investigation report and the addressed the subject of bullying allegations is not an opinion, but it looks the organization is now in a good way. The Transparency International founder Peter Eigen, even though he admits: “The Secretariat has seen better times.

Entmacht and controversial promotions

The truth also: The abrupt was out to change the litter, only the preliminary culmination of a whole Wealth of Management, Entmacht and controversial movements on the other side. Dozens of employees, high-ranking, have in the past years the organization. Even long-standing and deep staff committed to complain that TI was mired in political machinations, in which, of course, on one’s own progress are interested. For a non-governmental organisation, which has set the fight against corruption around the world, which is engaged solely in the Secretariat, around 120 employees, and to collect each year, funding in the millions from governments and businesses, this is a disturbing finding.