The temporary closure of the largest Slaughterhouse by Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück to a Corona eruption with currently 730 Infected will not lead to the evaluation of professionals to supply bottlenecks. “Meat is in Germany, not scarce, not pork,” said Tim cook, of the agricultural market information company in Bonn.

At the same time, meat production and their work, but conditions will be increasingly critical in the focus. “There are hair-raising special offers, in which meat is clearly below its value is sold. We need to stop. Because, in principle, of selling below cost is prohibited, the price already,” said the NRW Minister of agriculture, Ursula Heinen-Esser (CDU) the “Rheinische Post”. To do this, NRW is working on an initiative in the Bundesrat.

the Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD), called the news from Rheda-Wiedenbrück on Thursday of “shocking”. There is experience of what is going on, “if workers from Central and Eastern Europe, at us is not fair deal”. He felt confirmed, the course, in the meat industry to clean up, consistently implement, said salvation in Berlin. In the summer he wanted to submit to a law which makes a digital recording of the working time in the meat industry. In addition, works are to be contracts in the industry says.

About 5000 employees still need to be tested

the NRW health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) announced that it plans to leave the industry to make a scientific analysis. “We need to investigate how the Corona outbreaks in the meat industry,” said Laumann on Friday, after he had announced in an interview with F. A. Z. previously been a Hotspot of study. “My Ministry is to bring a scientific Expertise on the way that goes to the causes of the outbreak in Gütersloh epidemiologically to the bottom of this.”

The meat factory is currently closed –just like nurseries and schools in the district of Gütersloh. Were evaluated according to information from Thursday evening so far 1106 results of the authorities is arranged a series of tests. In the Tönnies factory must be tested in the next few days around 5,300 employees.

the head of The SPD parliamentary group in North Rhine-Westphalia, Thomas Kutschaty, called the “Rheinische Post” free Corona Tests in the circular. “I expect now that in a circle, extensive, and closely will be tested free of charge for anyone who had the most contact. Because it comes to hours.“ Kutschaty also called for further measures for the case that the number of Infected increases significantly: “Should exceed the value of 50 new infections are among within a week per 100,000 inhabitants, must the Lord explain Laschet me why there is no Lockdown.”