Japan is arming against the Coronavirus. On Friday, the government presented its Coronavirus-Warning application, which is to inform how to in Germany or other countries, users in an anonymous manner on the possible risks of infection. The users of the interest of the Japanese, not much to say. Interested parties have yet to be deterred on Friday evening local time, because the program was not found in the “App Stores” on mobile phones to.

Patrick Welter

a correspondent for Economics and policy in Japan, based in Tokyo.

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A great reception, a private-sector Initiative, by contrast, was: in Front of the shops of the retailer, Uniqlo, is no longer formed, but in the Morning, long queues, wherein the rules of social distance were holding a lot of. Uniqlo sold for the first time, a special breathing masks to cool in the hot summer, the face and particularly fast to dry. After a few hours the first Batch was sold out in Tokyo’s shopping districts of Shibuya and Ginza. Also selling on the Internet was completely overloaded.

The three-layer mask with a layer of Fleece against bacteria and viruses, is made of the special Material, the Uniqlo for its light weight and in Japan, popular summer underwear used. The company promises a high wearing comfort even in summer. An hour long self-test on Friday in the warm and rainy weather, the only confirmed part of it. Also, Uniqlo has not solved the Problem that glasses are constantly looking through fogged-up glasses, if you want to do with respiratory protection masks to their contribution to the fight against the spread of the Virus.

Uniqlo can according to their own statements of 500.000 masks per week to produce in China. A Set of three washable and re-usable masks, costs 990 Yen (8,25 Euro). Fast Retailing, the company behind Uniqlo, wants to offer the masks also abroad.

artificial intelligence for the better wash your hands

Fast Retailing is not the only Japanese company that is overrun with custom-made breathing masks from the customer crowds. As the electronics manufacturer Sharp has offered in April, via the Internet, self-made simple masks, broke down their Online trading. Sharp later moved to a Lot in order to sell the masks. Also, the Japanese sportswear manufacturer Mizuno opened on Friday an Internet lottery to sell a Batch of 870.000 respiratory protection masks. The masks with different Patterns are made from the fabric of swimming suits and Nestle closely to the face. Mizuno promises to be a special model for 1320 Yen (11 EUR) per piece good permeability for heat and sweat in the muggy Japanese summer.

The large crowd to the special face protection masks not founded now on a shortage of Supply. Simple masks, such as are worn in Japan, often against Pollen, or in the cold season, are now buying again without bottlenecks cheap. The Trend of the special masks to the Japanese customers have shown more interest in high refined high-quality products. This is also true for other areas of prevention against the Virus. Fujitsu, for example, has developed a System that checks with artificial intelligence, whether people wash well enough and intensively in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of health of the hands. The device can even determine whether the hands, use washing soap or not. If the machine is to be placed on the market, however, is not yet decided.