a year Ago, almost to the day, called for the interior Ministers of the countries to intensify the fight against child abuse. At the time of the case, Lügde shook the Republic: Two men had need on a campsite, children abused and filmed, one of them, the main suspect, was the foster-father of a girl who was used as a decoy.

Helene Bubrowski

Political correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Alexander Haneke

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

a Few days after the interior Minister conference in Kiel, the process before the district court of Detmold began. In the decisions of at the time, it means that the punishment, the abuse on the child and on the dissemination, the possession and acquisition of child pornography, not the wrongfulness of the acts would, to a reasonable extent. Both offense should stocks be designed, requested the Minister of the interior. Responsible for Amendment to the penal code of the Federal government.

The designation as a crime not only has symbolic meaning. To date, a minimum penalty of three months on child pornography, on child abuse six months. Crimes are punished with a minimum of one year in prison, and there are other consequences as well. Unlike Misdemeanor crimes can not be set due to low debt.

cyber grooming under penalty

it has improved Since last year, for the protection of children, although some made. In February the Bundestag adopted a law to help police officers access to the Darknet, and the attempts of cyber-grooming, so the initiation of sexual contacts on the Internet, under penalty. However, the desire of the Minister of the interior, to the higher penalties, is as yet unfulfilled.

Now the same issue is back on the agenda of the conference of interior Ministers, which began on Wednesday evening in Erfurt. And again, there was a gruesome fact. In Münster, a Ring of at least 18 Pädokriminiellen was recently flown to the children’s needs between five and twelve years, it’s hard to miss, and filmed to have. The Suspect was convicted twice for possession of child pornography probation. Now, the authorities accuse him of serious abuses in fifteen cases.

child abuse is not a shop theft

Herbert Reul, North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of the interior (CDU), must be from the Opposition questions whether the investigative authorities need to investigate the first Indications not previously had. Rhetorically, he pulls out all the stops: “child abuse can not be punished as theft, it is murder,” said Reul, of the “image”newspaper, “not physically, but emotionally. Who passes on to children is punished as a criminal, period!“ He urges, moreover, that in the case of suspected child abuse faster, custody can be arranged.