The state funding for the digitalization of schools should be doubled, according to calculations by the consulting firm McKinsey, more than, so that the modernization process really works. “Neither the schools, the teachers nor the students are across the Board for Online lessons prepared. Without a great deal of disadvantaged students threaten social even stronger to fall back, and parts of the curriculum may not be taught,“ – said in a on Friday published analysis. Germany’s schools lagged behind in the digitization behind the corona of crisis to lead the vividly before our eyes.

Specifically, there is provided proposed, not only the schools themselves, with projectors, Wi-Fi, and the school’s own Online learning platforms to equip, such as with the 5.5-billion dollar “digital Pact school”. In addition, devices for all teachers and students should be purchased. The business consulting, leads on demand, that every student in the digital Work would need a device with a keyboard.

cost of 6 billion euros

in Addition, teachers should be able to student data on the devices to save, which is not allowed on private Laptops or Tablets. The cost for the more than 800,000 teachers and 11 million students in Germany are estimated at around 6 billion euros. McKinsey refers, in the context that the economic stimulus package, the Grand coalition has to deal with the corona crisis, a volume of 130 billion euros.