Also, the former Federal foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, has contributed with its recommendation, to the novel “the shadow of The wind” turned into a nameless literary artisans in a acclaimed best selling author. Fifteen million copies, so the Catalan newspaper “La Vanguardia”, are world been of this library – and Barcelona-Thriller sold, and with the further succession of novels, which were grouped to the tetralogy – “The game of the angel (2008), “The prisoner of heaven” (2011) and “the maze of lights” (2016) –, strengthened the reputation of Carlos Ruiz Zafón steadily.

Paul Ingendaay

Europe correspondent of the critics in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

A development in the literary review did not, however, they stand Once and for all: For the a the was diving Down in the old time, on the “cemetery of forgotten books”, an addictive devour of eight-hundred-page Tomes in which the Barcelona of a distant dictatorship in nostalgic Sepia brown is immersed make. For others, the fine dünkten, it was more of a Spanish bestseller production with the expected factory defects.

out of the question, the unity of the artistic Vision, however. Ruiz Zafón was like a child shall also be liable as an adult with fantasies of young heroes, dark dungeons, evil, dragons, puzzles, messages, and pale, noble lady of life. And so he created this world full of template characters and look at effects as endless Bildungsroman in his head.

the power of The Illusion was felt in the personal encounter with the author, maybe even more than in his sometimes entertaining, sometimes unbearably shallow literature. The allegation that he had made “only” from a material of interest in the same Saga, goes into the Void. For the serious author who was Ruiz Zafón liable, had the success of his art in the number of its readers fairs. “For Duke Ellington there were only two kinds of music, good and bad,” he said to us once in Barcelona: “The Rest are stupid and prejudice.” For this he is also author of Dickens and Dostoevsky were “workers literature”. At the end of his adventure, a million-dollar business, with Translations dream to become in around forty languages.